If you have been following along for a long, long, long time, you are already probably familiar with the basic storyline for Observer. Back in 2010, Observer was presented as a serial story on my personal FB page. Several people were interested and stayed with the story right to the end. And that end was interesting.
Back then I made a unique offer to those who had decided to stick with the story all the way through. Each of my readers was offered their own unique ending to the tale. No two conclusions were even similar. My only problem was when it came time to publish the story for general consumption, which one was the ‘real’ ending?
One of the things that most action/adventure/fiction/fantasy authors strive for is a memorable climax to the whatever story they are telling. If you have read the books of the series, you know that they are layered with more than a single meaning. In Observer, the culmination near the end has several layers to it. I will leave it to you to peel them back.
I have been trying to get people to tell Amazon that they have found Observer for free in other major online bookstores. Barnes & Noble, Kobo and iBooks are all carrying the short story, and the cost is zero. If enough people press the link, ‘Tell us about a lower price,’ there is a good chance that Amazon will price match it and make Observer perma-free. You can read the post previous to this one for instructions.
I am still working on book five and have been progressing pretty well the last couple of weeks, so take heart, it may be in editing soon.
I pray you are all having a great weekend!
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