Sunday, October 15, 2017


In the fourth book of the series, we see that mankind is at war almost perpetually. This appears to have been the case far back as recorded history. War, punctuated by brief periods of peace is the human norm, not the exception as some would have us believe.

A world totally at peace has never existed. The causes of war are numerous, but usually boil down to control of some kind. This is exacerbated when the ego becomes involved. It is odd to think that some wars have been fought over a supposed insult. One minor example:

 Tan Shi Huai was the illegitimate son of a Xianbei (Mongol) mercenary serving the Han dynasty of China. As a result of his low birth, he was considered little better than a slave by his fellow tribesmen. The insults served his way must have stuck in his young craw, particularly given his (as yet unrevealed) ambition, intelligence, and strategic skill.

His injured pride may have spurred him on as he gathered a following of malcontents, somehow finagled his way into the supreme overlordship of all Xianbei tribes around 170 CE, and organized a powerful empire north of the Great Wall, even defeating the Huns who had previously ruled the region. Then, in 177, he defeated the Chinese army and threatened the imperial court, though an attack on the capital never materialized because of supply problems.

Insults and bullying can lead to war. It seems to be a lesson either forgotten or never learned by some. In the end, it doesn’t matter who began the war of words, it is how those wars will conclude that makes all the difference. 

History can repeat.

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