Wednesday, August 7, 2024

And So It Goes


If any of you have ever read Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., you might recognize this phrase. It's used 106 times in the book. Basically it means that what will be will be. Today I am using it in reference to an old friend.

Some of you may know that at one point I wrote some Skills for the Alexa series of Amazon devices. These Skills were written with the aid of a program called Voiceflow. It was amazing at the time and it has become only more-so as time has gone on. Voiceflow allows the average person to create very complex Skills without having to learn the programming language that Amazon uses for their devices. Actually, I need to say it used to.

I learned yesterday that Voiceflow will no longer be hosting the Skills that I created starting in October of this year (2024.) That is okay. It is a business decision made by their CEO and it is probably a good one at this point in the development of their company.

I have long considered the people at Voiceflow my friends. I was their first business/professional customer (though it didn't last long as I could not afford it at the time.) Time marches on and in the business world you have to keep up.

Braden Ream, the CEO of Voiceflow has always been one of the most real and reachable people I have ever known in the business world. His team of professionals are second to none and were always willing to help a newcomer.

I wanted all of you to know that my Skills on Alexa will be going away. There is an option to transfer them, but I think it's time they retired. I also wanted to make sure that I publicly thanked Braden Ream and the entire Voiceflow team for their dedication and hard work over the years.

And So It Goes.


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